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Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Various Root Canal Filling Materials Used in Primary Teeth: A Microbiological Study

  • S Reddy1,*,
  • Y Ramakrishna1

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Govt Dental College and Hospital

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.3.t73r4061424j2578 Vol.31,Issue 3,May 2007 pp.193-198

Published: 01 May 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): S Reddy E-mail:


The primary goal of endodontic treatment in primary teeth is to eliminate infection, and to retain the tooth in a functional state until their normal exfoliation time without endangering the permanent dentition or the general health of the child. The complexity of the pulp canal system in primary teeth presents a discerning problem for chemo-mechanical preparation. One of the factors determining the success of endodontic treatment in infected primary teeth is the sealing material that should encompass among other factors a potent bactericidal effect and the capacity to resorb along with the roots of primary teeth.

This study evaluated the antimicrobial effectiveness of 5 root canal filling materials and a negative control agent against 23 strains of bacteria isolated from infected root canals of primary molar teeth and 3 non standard bacterial strains using agar diffusion assay. The materials were Zinc oxide and Eugenol (ZOE), Zinc oxide-Eugenol and Formocresol (ZOE+FC), Calcium hydroxide and sterile water (CAOH+H2O), Zinc oxide and Camphorated phenol (ZO+CP), Calcium hydroxide and Iodoform (Metapex) and Vaseline (Control).

All the materials except Vaseline showed varied antimicrobial activity against the test bacteria. The zones of inhibition were ranked into 4 inhibition categories based on the proportional distribution of the data. All the 26 bacterial isolates were classified under 4 groups based on Aerobic/Anaerobic and Gram positive/Gram negative. Statistical analysis was carried out to compare the antimicrobial effectiveness between materials tested with each of the bacterial groupings. ZOE+FC produced strong inhibition against most bacteria when compared to ZOE, ZO+CP and CAOH+H2O. Metapex and Vaseline were found to be non inhibitory


antimicrobial, root canal, primary teeth, zinc oxide, calcium hydroxide, Camphorated phenol, Calcium hydroxide, Iodoform

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S Reddy,Y Ramakrishna. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy of Various Root Canal Filling Materials Used in Primary Teeth: A Microbiological Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(3);193-198.


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