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Clinical Analysis of Molar Fissures by Cone-Beam Tomography

  • Cruvinel VRN1,*,
  • Azevedo BC2
  • Gravina DBL1
  • Toledo OA1
  • Bezerra ACB1

1University Of Brasília – Df, Brazil

2University Of Texas Health Science Center Sa, U.S.A

3University Of Brasília – Df, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.31.4.v762053488031141 Vol.31,Issue 4,July 2007 pp.235-239

Published: 01 July 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): Cruvinel VRN E-mail:


This study aimed to validate clinical analysis of 20 pediatric dentists on occlusal groove-fossa-system of molar depth comparing to Cone-beam tomography. The 48 sound third molars were visually classified from the shallowest to the deepest. Images were taken from the Accuitomo 3DX. There was a fair correlation between clinical analysis and the tomographic scorings (rs= 0.238; P=0.103). It was concluded that pediatric dentists were not able to classify the fissures depth by visual analysis correctly.


molar fissures, tomagraphy, fissure depth

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Cruvinel VRN,Azevedo BC,Gravina DBL,Toledo OA,Bezerra ACB. Clinical Analysis of Molar Fissures by Cone-Beam Tomography. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2007. 31(4);235-239.


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