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Talon Cusps Presenting in a Child with Alagille’s Syndrome – A Case Report

  • Mahua Chatterjee1,*,
  • Carol Mason1

1Senior house officer, Enfield, London, EN1 2PA, UK

2Consultant department of Pediatric Dentistry, Great Ormond Street hospital

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.32.1.c041035j626wj573 Vol.32,Issue 1,January 2008 pp.61-64

Published: 01 January 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): Mahua Chatterjee E-mail:


Talon cusp is a rare dental anomaly often associated with systemic conditions such as Rubenstein-Taybi Syndrome,Ellis-van Crevald Syndrome and Incontentia pigmenti achromians. It has not been previously reported as occurring in Alagille Syndrome.

Early diagnosis of talon cusps is crucial for the correct management and avoidance of complications. This case highlights the need for careful dental examination when treating children with syndromes, as new phenotypes that can have an effect on the dentition.


Alagille syndrome, talon cusp, children

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Mahua Chatterjee,Carol Mason. Talon Cusps Presenting in a Child with Alagille’s Syndrome – A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2008. 32(1);61-64.


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