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Caries Experience of Leukemic Children During Intensive Course of Chemotherapy

  • Çiˇgdem Elbek Çubukçu1,*,
  • Adalet Meral Günes2

1Pediatric Dentist in Pediatric Dental Care Unit. Uluda University, Medical Faculty, Bursa, Turkey

2Department of Pediatric Hematology. Uludaˇg University, Medical Faculty, Bursa, Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.32.2.980278qq11013w2h Vol.32,Issue 2,March 2008 pp.155-158

Published: 01 March 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): Çiˇgdem Elbek Çubukçu E-mail:


Objective: To determine the incidence of dental caries in 64 leukemic children who received dental treatment before the initiation of chemotherapy and had intensive oral care during the course. Design: Caries experience (deft/DMFT), white-spot lesions (enamel demineralization), premature primary molar extractions and carious first permanent molars were investigated before and after intensive therapy. Setting: Pediatric Dental Care Unit and Department of Pediatric Hematology, Faculty of Medicine, Uludağ University. Results: The dental caries level was insignificantly higher following chemotherapy compared to the initial caries level. However, the prevalence of white-spot lesions was significantly increased during the course. Caries level in 30 subjects (47%) remained stable. Conclusion: Caries level in leukemic children, who were not caries-free before chemotherapy, could be stabilized by caries prevention methods such as frequent topical fluoride applications and fissure sealants, intensive oral care and improved self-care practices.


caries experience, intensive chemotherapy, childhood leukemia

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Çiˇgdem Elbek Çubukçu,Adalet Meral Günes. Caries Experience of Leukemic Children During Intensive Course of Chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2008. 32(2);155-158.


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