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Oral Health Care of Children: Gynecologists and Pediatricians’ Perspective

  • Priya Subramaniam1,*,
  • KL Girish Babu1
  • P Suresh Babu1
  • Premila Naidu1

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, the Oxford Dental College, Hospital and Research Centre, Bommanahalli, Hosur road, Bangalore-560068, Karnataka, India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.32.3.8543017407g46h53 Vol.32,Issue 3,May 2008 pp.253-258

Published: 01 May 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): Priya Subramaniam E-mail:


Gynecologists, pediatricians and other medical professionals are more likely to see expecting mothers and infants much earlier than dentists. Thus, it is essential for these specialists to be aware of the infectious nature of dental caries and its associated risk factors and make appropriate decisions regarding timely and effective intervention. Objective: To know the perception of gynecologists and pediatricians towards oral health care of children. Methods: A cross sectional questionnaire survey was conducted. Results: The present study shows that the pediatrician is more actively involved in the oral health care of children as compared to gynecologists in Bangalore city, India. Conclusion: Pediatricians and gynecologists need to update themselves on recent recommendations, regarding infant oral health so as to ensure that all their patients receive timely preventive and restorative dental care.


Gynecologists, Pediatricians, infant oral health, diet counseling, pre-natal exposure

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Priya Subramaniam,KL Girish Babu,P Suresh Babu,Premila Naidu. Oral Health Care of Children: Gynecologists and Pediatricians’ Perspective. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2008. 32(3);253-258.


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