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Enamel Deproteinization and Its Effect on Acid Etching: An invitro Study

  • Roberto Espinosa1
  • Roberto Valencia2,*,
  • Mario Uribe1
  • Israel Ceja3
  • Marc Saadia4

1Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Health Science and Environmental Centre, Universidad de Guadalajara

2Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Universidad Tecnológica de México

3Exact Science and Engineering Centre, Universidad de Guadalajara

4Private Practice, Mexico City

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.1.ng5462w5746j766p Vol.33,Issue 1,January 2009 pp.13-20

Published: 01 January 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): Roberto Valencia E-mail:


Purpose: The goal of this in vitro study was to identify the topographical features of the enamel surface deproteinized and etched with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) compared to phosphoric acid alone. Materials and method: Ten extracted lower first and second permanent molars were polished with pumice and water, and then divided into 4 equal buccal sections having similar physical and chemical properties. The enamel surfaces of each group were subjected to the following treatments: Group A: Acid Etching with H3PO4 37% for 15 seconds. Group AH1: Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) 5.25% for 30 seconds followed by Acid Etching with H3PO4 37% for 15 seconds. Group AH2 ; Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) 5.25% for 60 seconds followed by Acid Etching with H3PO4 37% for 15 seconds. Results showed that group AH2 etching technique reached an area of 76.6 mm2 of the total surface, with a 71.8 mm2 (94.47%), type 1 and 2 etching pattern, followed by group AH1 with 55.9 mm2 out of 75.12 mm2 (74.1%), and finally group A with only 36.8 mm2 (48.83%) out of an area of 72.7 mm2. A significant statistical difference (P <0 .05) existed between all groups, leading to the conclusion that enamel deproteinization with 5.25% NaOCl for 1 minute before H3PO4, etching increases the enamel conditioning surface as well as the quality of the etching pattern.


Enamel, deproteinization, sodium hypochlorite, phosphoric acid, etching, permanent teeth

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Roberto Espinosa,Roberto Valencia,Mario Uribe,Israel Ceja,Marc Saadia. Enamel Deproteinization and Its Effect on Acid Etching: An invitro Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(1);13-20.


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1. Buonocore MGA simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to enamel surfaces. J Dent Res, 34: 849–53,1955.

2. Buonocore MG, Gwinett AJ. Adhesives and caries prevention: a prelim-inary report. J Brit Dent, 7: 77–80, 1965.

3. Gwinnett AJ, Marsui A. A study of enamel adhesives: the physical rela-tionship between enamel and adhesive. Arch Oral Biol, 12: 1615–20, 1967.

4. Gwinnett AJ. Histological changes in human enamel following treat-ment with acidic adhesive conditioning agents. Arch Oral Biol, 16: 731–38, 1971.

5. Silverstone LM, Saxton CA, Dogon IL, Fejerskov O. Variation in the pattern of acid etching of human dental enamel examined by scanning electron microscopy. Caries Res, 9: 373–87, 1975.

6. Kodaka T, Kuroiwa M, Higashi S. Structural and distribution patterns of surface “prismless” enamel in human permanent teeth. Caries Res, 25: 7–20, 1991.

7. Silverstone LM. (1974) The acid etch technique: in vivo studies with special reference to enamel surface and the enamel-resin interface. In: Silverstone, LM, Dogon IL, eds. Proceedings of an International Sym-posium on the Acid Etch Technique. St Paul, MN: North Central Pub-lishing. 13–39.

8. Van Hassel HJ, Davis JM, Olsen DP, Godfery GW. Effect of the time of application and concentration of etching acid on the retention of com-posite restorations. IADR. 29, 1971.

9. Van Meerbeek B, Inouse S, Perdigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G.(2001) Enamel and Dentin Adhesion. Fundamentals of Operative Den-tistry. A Contemporary Approach. Chicago: Quintessence, 178–235.

10. Buonocore MG, Cueto EI. Sealing of pits and fissures with an adhesive resin: its use in caries prevention. J Am Dent Assoc, 75: 121–28, 1967.

11. Nakabayashi N, Pashley AD. (1998) A Hybridization of Dental Hard Tissues. Tokyo: Quintessence

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