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An Impacted Malformed Primary Maxillary Central Incisor Diagnosed as a Compound Odontoma.

  • Dror Aizenbud1,*,
  • Yael Pery Front1

1Orthodontic and Craniofacial Center, Oral and Dental Sciences Department, Rambam Health Care Campus and Technion - Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.2.t688188261t1m0v2 Vol.33,Issue 2,March 2009 pp.161-166

Published: 01 March 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): Dror Aizenbud E-mail:


An odontoma is usually found in the surrounding area of the unerupted permanent tooth bud and rarely adjacent to the primary central incisor. This report presents a case of an unerupted malformed primary central incisor, histologically diagnosed as a compound odontoma. A 5.5 year-old healthy boy presented with an unerupted maxillary left primary central incisor and mild gingival buccal swelling. No history of traumatic injury was recorded. Radiological examination revealed a tooth-like mass with a partially developed root and a malformed crown in the area of the left primary central incisor. Delayed development of the successor left permanent incisor in comparison to the right one was noted. The rational for early surgical intervention to enable normal development and eruption of permanent incisors is described. Clinical and radiographic diagnoses as well as several etiological factors and a differential diagnosis are considered and reviewed.


primary central incisor, impaction. odontoma, ankylosis

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Dror Aizenbud,Yael Pery Front. An Impacted Malformed Primary Maxillary Central Incisor Diagnosed as a Compound Odontoma.. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(2);161-166.


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