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Influence of Local Factors on Cementoenamel Junction–Alveolar Bone Crest Distance in Primary Dentition

  • Viviane Santos da Silva Pierro1,*,
  • Ivete Pomarico Ribeiro de Souza1
  • Ronir Raggio Luiz2

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2Institute of Studies of Public Health (IESC), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.3.c707urm416867792 Vol.33,Issue 3,May 2009 pp.199-206

Published: 01 May 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): Viviane Santos da Silva Pierro E-mail:


Objective: This study illustrated the influence of local factors (dental biofilm, gingival bleeding, probing depth, proximal contact and proximal caries/inadequate restorations) on the cementoenamel junction(CEJ)-alveolar bone crest (ABC) distance in primary canines and molars of healthy children with complete primary dentition. Study Design: Two hundred and four patients have been examined clinically with regard to biofilm's presence, gingival status, probing depth, proximal contact and dental condition (carious lesions/restorations). Two bitewings of each patient were also taken. Eight dental surfaces (second molars mesial, first molars mesial and distal, and canines distal) could be analyzed per bitewing and the CEJ-ABC distance was measured using a digimatic caliper. Statistical analyses were controlled by dental arch, tooth type and surface. Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the association between CEJ-ABC distance and local factors. Results: After stratifying the data according to those influencing factors, the only local factor associated with increased CEJ-ABC distances in most of the different analyzed dental surfaces was the increased probing depth (>2mm), although only two dental surfaces showed statistical significance(p<0.01). Conclusion: Among the analyzed local factors, increased probing depth was the only factor that proved to be relevant in children's alveolar bone loss screening.


periodontal diseases; alveolar bone loss, diagnosis; radiography, bitewing; dentition, primary; child, preschool

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Viviane Santos da Silva Pierro,Ivete Pomarico Ribeiro de Souza,Ronir Raggio Luiz. Influence of Local Factors on Cementoenamel Junction–Alveolar Bone Crest Distance in Primary Dentition. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(3);199-206.


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