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In vitro toxicity of MTA Compared with other Primary Teeth Pulpotomy Agents

  • José Vitor Nogara Borges de Menezes1,*,
  • Esther Rieko Takamori2
  • Maria Francisca Thereza Borro Bijella3
  • José Mauro Granjeiro4

1Pediatric Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil

2USP, Bauru, Brazil

3Pediatric Dentistry, USP, Bauru, Brazil

4Biology Institute, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.3.cq7677j4l532r1rg Vol.33,Issue 3,May 2009 pp.217-222

Published: 01 May 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): José Vitor Nogara Borges de Menezes E-mail:


Objective: The main goal of this work is to compare the In vitro toxicity of MTA with other primary teeth pulpotomy agents. Study Design: The In vitro toxicity of MTA, calcium hydroxide, ferric sulphate solution,diluted formocresol and Buckley's formocresol were tested using MTT and Neutral Red Uptake cell viability assays. The results for MTA were compared to those obtained for the other substances using ANOVA and Tukey statistical tests (p<0,05). Results: MTA had the lower in vitro toxicity and Buckley's formocresol, the higher, with statiscally significant difference. Conclusion: Among the primary teeth pulpotomy agents tested, MTA showed the lower In vitro toxicity, standing as the most promising substitute to formocresol

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José Vitor Nogara Borges de Menezes,Esther Rieko Takamori,Maria Francisca Thereza Borro Bijella,José Mauro Granjeiro. In vitro toxicity of MTA Compared with other Primary Teeth Pulpotomy Agents. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(3);217-222.


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