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Effect of Lactoperoxidase System Containing Toothpaste on Cariogenic Bacteria in Children with Early Childhood Caries

  • Sapna Jyoti1,*,
  • N D Shashikiran1
  • V V Subba Reddy1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Karnataka, India

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.4.83331867x68w120n Vol.33,Issue 4,July 2009 pp.299-304

Published: 01 July 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): Sapna Jyoti E-mail:


Background and Objectives: Lactoperoxidase system contains Lactoperoxidase, Hydrogen peroxide and Thiocyanate ions, which have inhibitory action against cariogenic oral microflora. The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of lactoperoxidase system containing toothpaste on cariogenic microflora in children with early childhood caries. Methods: Study group included 30 children with Early Childhood Caries. 15 were considered as test group who used the test product Biotene® toothpaste and other 15 as control group who used Colgate Active® as control product. Salivary samples were analyzed for mutans streptococci (MS) and Lactobacilli, and for the levels of Thiocyanate ions. Results: showed significant increase in the levels of Thiocyanate ion in saliva during experimental period. Compared to the control group test group showed significant increase in the levels of thiocyanate ions during experimental and washout period, whereas the number of colonies of MS and Lactobacilli were significantly reduced in test group during experimental period. Conclusion: The levels of thiocyanate ions can be increased in vivo by supplementing the saliva with natural enzymes like lactoperoxidase. This increased concentration of thiocyanate will reduce the number of cariogenic microflora in children with Early Childhood Caries.


Lactoperoxidase, Early childhood caries, Thiocyanate ions, Antibacterial

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Sapna Jyoti,N D Shashikiran,V V Subba Reddy. Effect of Lactoperoxidase System Containing Toothpaste on Cariogenic Bacteria in Children with Early Childhood Caries. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(4);299-304.


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