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Processed Dairy Beverages pH Evaluation: Consequences of Temperature Variation

  • Fabiana Vargas Ferreira1,*,
  • Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon2

1Department of Stomatology, Dentistry School, Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

2Department of Restorative Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.33.4.t45825683gv22444 Vol.33,Issue 4,July 2009 pp.319-324

Published: 01 July 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): Fabiana Vargas Ferreira E-mail:


Objective: this study assessed the pH from processed dairy beverages as well as eventual consequences deriving from different ingestion temperatures. Study design: 50 adults who accompanied children attended to at the Dentistry School were randomly selected and they answered a questionnaire on beverages. The beverages were divided into 4 groups: yogurt (GI) fermented milk (GII), chocolate-based products (GIII) and fermented dairy beverages (GIV). They were asked which type, flavor and temperature. The most popular beverages were selected, and these made up the sample. A pHmeter Quimis 400 A device was used to verify pH. The average pH from each beverage was calculated and submitted to statistical analysis (Variance and Tukey test with a 5% significance level). Results: for groups I, II and III beverages, type x temperature interaction was significant, showing the pH averages were influenced by temperature variation. At iced temperatures,they presented lower pH values, which were considered statistically significant when compared to the values found for the same beverages at room temperature. Conclusion: all dairy beverages, with the exception of the chocolate-based type presented pH below critical level for enamel and present corrosive potential; as to ingestion temperature, iced temperature influenced pH reducing its values, in vitro.


beverages, dental erosion, deciduous teeth, primary teeth,temperature

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Fabiana Vargas Ferreira,Roselaine Terezinha Pozzobon. Processed Dairy Beverages pH Evaluation: Consequences of Temperature Variation. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2009. 33(4);319-324.


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