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Microleakage of Different Temporary Filling Materials in Primary Teeth

  • Mesut Enes Odabas1
  • Ozlem Tulunoglu1,*,
  • Serife Ozdemir Ozalp1
  • Haluk Bodur1

1University of Gazi, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.34.2.922360t276015347 Vol.34,Issue 2,March 2010 pp.157-160

Published: 01 March 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): Ozlem Tulunoglu E-mail:


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the sealing properties of IRM, Coltosol, Cavit G, Adhesor and Clip, which used as temporary filling material in coronal access openings in extracted human primary teeth. Study Design: Standardized access cavities of 2×2 mm were prepared in the eighty-four, caries-free human primary anterior teeth. The teeth were divided randomly into five groups of 16 teeth each. Temporary restorative materials Group A: IRM (Dentsply), Group B: Coltosol (Coltone), Group C: Cavit G (3M),Group D: Adhesor (Spofa Dental) and Group E: Clip (Voco) were applied according to the manufacturer's directions. The specimens were immersed silver nitrate and placed in film developer under fluorescent for 24 hours. The sectioned specimens were evaluated under a digital microscope at x 20 magnifications and blindly scored for microleakage. Results: Clip presented the least microleakage value whereas; Adhesor and IRM presented the higher microleakage values. There were statistically significant differences between Clip and the others groups, while there were no statistically significant differences in microleakage between IRM,Adhesor, Coltosol and Cavit G. However, the leakage scores of Clip and Cavit G were congruent (p= 0.454).Conclusion: Amongst the five materials, Clip exhibited a better sealing ability.


IRM, Coltosol, Cavit G, zinc phosphate cement, Clip, temporary filling material, primary teeth

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Mesut Enes Odabas,Ozlem Tulunoglu,Serife Ozdemir Ozalp,Haluk Bodur. Microleakage of Different Temporary Filling Materials in Primary Teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2010. 34(2);157-160.


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