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Autotransplantation of an Intruded Lateral Incisor Replacing an Avulsed Central Incisor—A Case Report

  • Behiye Sezgin Bolgül1,*,
  • Engin Ağaçkıran1
  • Sema Çelenk1
  • Buket Ayna1

1Dicle University, Dental Faculty, Department of Pedodontics, Diyarbakır- Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.34.2.e55284t57g956125 Vol.34,Issue 2,March 2010 pp.107-112

Published: 01 March 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): Behiye Sezgin Bolgül E-mail:


Oral injuries cause aesthetic, psychological, social, and therapeutic problems and also affect a large number of people, causing irreparable dental loss not only at the accident time but also during post-treatment. Missing permanent teeth by trauma in children is a particular challenge, especially in the anterior region of the maxilla. In the past few decades, tooth transplantation has been successfully researched for the treatment of anterior tooth loss in young individuals. Objective: The present case describes transplantation of an excessive intrusive maxillary left lateral incisor into the socket of avulsed maxillary left central incisor.Study design: The lateral incisor tooth was extracted and placed into the socket of avulsed tooth. Splinting was maintained for 2 weeks. After the root canal treatment, the crown of the lateral incisor tooth was reshaped with composite resin in central tooth form and performed an interim prosthesis both preventing movement of the canine tooth into the space of the transplanted lateral incisor tooth and providing aesthetic.Conclusion: The treatment provided is considered to be an interim solution for space maintenance, with time the child patient may reach an age that allows alternative, more definitive treatment as implant.


Avulsed Tooth, Intruded Tooth, Autotransplantation, Polyethylene Fiber-Reinforced Composite

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Behiye Sezgin Bolgül,Engin Ağaçkıran,Sema Çelenk,Buket Ayna. Autotransplantation of an Intruded Lateral Incisor Replacing an Avulsed Central Incisor—A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2010. 34(2);107-112.


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