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Primary Oral Myiasis Due to Chrysomya bezziana Treated with Ivermectin.A Case Report

  • Akhilesh Sharma1,*,
  • Amitha Hedge2

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Children Dentistry, Dayanand Sagar College of Dental Sciences

2Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Children Dentistry, A.B.Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.34.3.6ntr2w7416934641 Vol.34,Issue 3,May 2010 pp.259-262

Published: 01 May 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): Akhilesh Sharma E-mail:


Primary oral myiasis due to Chrysomya bezziana is a rare condition caused by invasion of tissues by larvae of the flies. A case of Oral myiasis is presented in a 12 year old boy with neuro-degenerative disease with seizures. Intra orally, a soft tissue pocket in the left buccal mucosa and a pocket under the palatal mucosa was seen containing maggots. Extra orally indurated erythematous swelling was present near the commisure of the mouth. Predisposing factors identified in the present case were mouth breathing, incompetent lips, low socioeconomic condition, malnutrition, and inability of the child to perform daily activities due to his neurodegenerative disease. Treatment consisted of manual removal of maggots following irrigation and application of turpentine oil along with a single dose Ivermectin 3 mg that was given systemically. Complete healing of the lesion was observed within 10 days without any recurrence for a follow up period of 1 year. Medical personnel taking care of old / debilitated / unconscious patients need to bear in mind the possibility of Chrysomya bezziana infestation in them.


Chrysomya bezziana, Oral myiasis, Ivermectin

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Akhilesh Sharma,Amitha Hedge. Primary Oral Myiasis Due to Chrysomya bezziana Treated with Ivermectin.A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2010. 34(3);259-262.


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