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Mineral Content Removal after Papacarie Application in Primary Teeth:A Quantitative Analysis

  • Bittencourt ST1
  • Pereira JR1,*,
  • Rosa AW1
  • Oliveira KS1
  • Ghizoni JS1
  • Oliveira MT1

1Dental School, University of Southern Santa Catarina - UNISUL, Tubarão, SC, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.34.3.k15t8q1805538524 Vol.34,Issue 3,May 2010 pp.229-232

Published: 01 May 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): Pereira JR E-mail:


The aim of this study was to quantify the mineral content removed from primary teeth after using a chemomechanical system, called Papacarie®. Materials: Twenty human primary extracted molars were divided into two groups of 10 specimens each. Group A presented sound molars and Group B decayed molars on the occlusal or occlusal-proximal surface. In Group A, cavities in enamel and dentin with high speed drills were made before treatment. All teeth were treated with Papacárie® following the manufacturer's instructions. Each cavity was filled in with the product, allowing curing for 45 seconds, and then removed with the noncutting edge of the curette. The collected material was sent for laboratory analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique. Medians for each group were calculated through the application of Mann-Whitney and a statistically significant difference (p <0005) was observed. To verify the quantity of calcium removed from sound tissue, the median of calcium in group A (0.08% Ca) was compared with that of the gold standard (0.04% Ca), which showed a close correlation of values between them. Results indicate that the amount of calcium removed with Papacárie® affects only the carious component of teeth. This goes in accordance with the principles of cavity preparation and follows the current philosophy of preventive dentistry.


Papacárie®, chemomechanical removal, dental caries

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Bittencourt ST,Pereira JR,Rosa AW,Oliveira KS,Ghizoni JS,Oliveira MT. Mineral Content Removal after Papacarie Application in Primary Teeth:A Quantitative Analysis. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2010. 34(3);229-232.


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