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14 Year Follow-Up for a Severe Electrical Burn to Mouth and Lip: Case report.

  • Roberto Valencia1,*,
  • Javier Garcìa1
  • Roberto Espinosa1
  • Marc Saadia1
  • Evaristo Valencia1

1Rodriguez Saro 100-201, Mexico DF, CP.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.2.9262223q25860755 Vol.35,Issue 2,March 2011 pp.137-144

Published: 01 March 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Roberto Valencia E-mail:


Electrical burns range from 4 to 7 % of the total burn accidents and many of them affect primarily children biting on a live wire. Great confusion exists in the literature about the proper management of electrical burns to the mouth in the acute and late phases. Case report: 14 year results are shown in a severe electrical burn sustained in a 1 year 2 months old girl, involving 90% of the lips and commissures, tongue, alveolar ridges and teeth (primary central incisors and permanent dental germs). Two weeks after she was out danger, an active splint expansion device was built and used for 8 months to prevent secondary microstomia. Later, a new active splint device was used for a year after lip plastic surgery. At age 13, orthopedics and orthodontics were accomplished with a lip tattoo completed at age 15. Conclusion: No matter how good the final esthetic and occlusal results are, prevention is always the best option.


electrical burn, mouth, children, alternating current, management

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Roberto Valencia,Javier Garcìa,Roberto Espinosa,Marc Saadia,Evaristo Valencia. 14 Year Follow-Up for a Severe Electrical Burn to Mouth and Lip: Case report.. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(2);137-144.


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