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Early Response of Mechanically Exposed Dental Pulps of Swine to Antibacterial-Hemostatic Agents or Diode Laser Irradiation

  • Cannon M1,*,
  • Wagner C1,2
  • Thobaben JZ1,3
  • Jurado R1
  • Solt D1

1Northwestern University, Children’s Medical Center, Chicago USA

2Currently in private practice, Vernon Hills, Illinois, USA

3Currently in private practice, Corbin, KY, USA.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.3.73621w8l447r3887 Vol.35,Issue 3,May 2011 pp.271-276

Published: 01 May 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Cannon M E-mail:


The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of an antibacterial and hemostatic agent to diode laser irradiation in the healing of mechanically exposed porcine pulps. Materials and Method: The experiment required three adult swine (Sus scrofa domestica, Yorkshire) with 36 teeth prepared with occlusal penetrations into the pulpal tissues. The preparations were performed under general anesthesia and the pulps were exposed using high speed instrumentation with rubber dam isolation and a disinfected field. Following instrumentation the coronal pulpal tissue was amputated and immediately treated with ferric sulfate and chlorhexidine semi-gel (12), diluted Buckley’formocresol solution (12) for 5 minutes or laser irradiation with a diode laser (12). After treatment, hemostasis was obtained and a ZOE base applied to the treated pulps (36). The pulpal bases were all covered with a RMGI (Fuji II LC). The tissue samples were collected at 4 weeks (28 days). Following fixation, the samples were de-mineralized, sectioned, stained and histologically graded with a scale of 0-4. Results: The treatment groups were statistically different with the Laser Treated Group demonstrating the least inflammation. Conclusion: Pulpotomy treatment with the KaVo Gentle Ray Diode Laser demonstrated significantly less inflammation than the other two pulpal therapy modalities. The ferric sulfate and chlorhexidine mixture demonstrated the greatest inflammation as histologically graded. Also, the histological sections of pulpotomized swine teeth treated with the ferric sulfate and chlorhexidine mixture presented with black pigmented areas in the pulp and surrounding tissue. The formocresol group (clinical standard) and the diode laser group did not present with the black precipitate.


pulp exposures, pulp response, bacteria, swine.

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Cannon M,Wagner C,Thobaben JZ,Jurado R,Solt D. Early Response of Mechanically Exposed Dental Pulps of Swine to Antibacterial-Hemostatic Agents or Diode Laser Irradiation. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(3);271-276.


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