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Clinical and Radiographic Study of Chemical-Mechanical Removal of Caries Using Papacárie: 24-Month Follow Up

  • Bussadori SK1
  • Guedes CC2
  • Bachiega JC2,*,
  • Santis TO1
  • Motta LJ 1

1Rehabilitation Sciences Master Degree Program, Nove de Julho University, Paulo

2Pediatric Dentistry and Cariology Department, Braz Cubas University, Paulo.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.3.75803m02524625h5 Vol.35,Issue 3,May 2011 pp.251-254

Published: 01 May 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Bachiega JC E-mail:


The chemical-mechanical removal of caries involves the chemical softening of the infected dentin, following by the mechanical removal of the softened tissue using non-cutting manual instruments. Papacárie® (Fórmula&Ação, Sao Paulo, Brazil) is a product in gel form used for the chemical-mechanical softening of the affected tissue. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Papacárie®. Methods: Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed on 14 young permanent molars treated with Papacárie® and restored with glass ionomer cement (VitroMolar, DFL Ind. Com LTDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 24 months following intervention. Results: Success was achieved in 13 of the 14 cases. Conclusion: Papacárie® was effective in the treatment of carious lesions and constitutes a conservative alternative that offers benefits to patients

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Bussadori SK,Guedes CC,Bachiega JC,Santis TO,Motta LJ . Clinical and Radiographic Study of Chemical-Mechanical Removal of Caries Using Papacárie: 24-Month Follow Up. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(3);251-254.


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