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Pulp Calcification in Traumatized Primary Teeth: Prevalence and Associated Factors

  • Mello-Moura ACV1,*,
  • Bonini GAVC1,2
  • Zardetto CGDC1,3
  • Rodrigues CRMD1
  • Wanderley MT1

1Research and Clinical Center of Dental Trauma in Primary Teeth, Departamento de Ortodontia e Odontopediatria, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, SP, Brazil

2Coordinator of Certificate course in Pediatric Dentistry, Faculdade de Odontologia da São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brasil

3Stomatologist at the Clinical Oncology Service, Sannadi, Hospital Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Brazil.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.4.8065636750168677 Vol.35,Issue 4,July 2011 pp.383-388

Published: 01 July 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Mello-Moura ACV E-mail:


To establish the prevalence of pulp calcifications in 946 patients at the Research and Clinical Center of Dental Trauma in Primary Teeth. Study Design: The clinical and radiographic records of 1,675 traumatized primary teeth were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square and univariate logistic regression. Results: 197 (20.8%) patients showed pulp calcification (PC). A total of 250 (14.9%) calcified teeth were observed. In most teeth, PC appeared within the first 12 months following trauma. PC prevalence was higher in cases of repeated trauma (29.6%) than in single trauma (16.4%), p <0.05, with a 2.14 chance of showing pulp calcification when a child suffered recurrent trauma. Most teeth showing calcified pulp, suffered trauma to the supportive tissue (67.4%), being statistically significant in relation to the trauma to dental tissue (p <0.05). Conclusion: PC is a sequelae in cases of trauma to the primary dentition; teeth that suffered recurrent traumatic injuries show higher risk of presenting.


pulp calcification, primary teeth, dental trauma

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Mello-Moura ACV,Bonini GAVC,Zardetto CGDC,Rodrigues CRMD,Wanderley MT. Pulp Calcification in Traumatized Primary Teeth: Prevalence and Associated Factors. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(4);383-388.


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