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Intra-Coronal Bleaching in Young Permanent and Primary Tooth with Biologic Perspectives

  • Divya S Sharma1,*,
  • Khushboo Barjatya1
  • Anuradha Agrawal1

1Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Modern Dental College & Research Centre, Indore (MP), India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.4.p372w1h5j2kg5734 Vol.35,Issue 4,July 2011 pp.349-352

Published: 01 July 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Divya S Sharma E-mail:


The odd attracts society in odd manner, as is the case when a patient with discolored tooth smiles. Because of that, pediatric patients have psychological impact. Trauma and pulpal necrosis are the most common causes for discoloration of teeth. If tooth is intact, intra-coronal bleaching is the most conservative and noninvasive treatment modality provided, it is done cautiously. This article intends to present two case-reports of successful intra-coronal bleaching using milder (sodium perborate) and tissue-friendly bleaching agent with walking bleach.


intra-coronal bleaching, external root resorption, sodium perborate

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Divya S Sharma,Khushboo Barjatya,Anuradha Agrawal. Intra-Coronal Bleaching in Young Permanent and Primary Tooth with Biologic Perspectives. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(4);349-352.


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