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Dentistry for Mexicans with Special Needs: A Commentary

  • Waldman HB1,*,
  • Saadia M1
  • Valencia R1
  • Perlman SP1

1Department of General Dentistry, Stony Brook University, NY, USA.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.35.4.p8364641117t716t Vol.35,Issue 4,July 2011 pp.353-358

Published: 01 July 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): Waldman HB E-mail:


There are more than 2 million residents with disabilities in Mexico. Despite national legislation to assure individuals with disabilities needed services, including education and employment, social inclusion of these individuals is difficult since societal views exclude them from functioning as members of a community. While there are no national studies of the dental needs of individuals with disabilities in Mexico, reports of the general population indicate limited use of dental services and the need for increased restorative services. Examples of dental education accreditation standards in other countries are used as models for the improvement in the preparation of dental students to provide services for individual with special needs.


disability, Mexico, dentistry, statistics

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Waldman HB,Saadia M,Valencia R,Perlman SP. Dentistry for Mexicans with Special Needs: A Commentary. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2011. 35(4);353-358.


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