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Oral Health Status of Autistic Children in India

  • Subramaniam P1,*,
  • Gupta M1

1The Oxford Dental College, Hospital and Research Centre

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.1.l6287842uj536x13 Vol.36,Issue 1,January 2012 pp.43-48

Published: 01 January 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): Subramaniam P E-mail:


Autism is one of the most severe childhood neuropsychiatric disorders. Autistic individuals are characterized by impairment in social interaction with a restricted range of interests and often, stereotyped repetitive behaviors. Studies on oral health conditions in children with autism are sparse. The complicated disability itself makes clinical research difficult. Aim: The need for baseline information regarding the oral health status of children with autism is essential. Method: The present study assessed the oral health status of 106 autistic children aged 4 to 15 years in Bangalore city, India. The dental caries was recorded according to the WHO criteria; oral hygiene was assessed using the Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified (OHI-S) and its modification for deciduous dentition. The behavior of children towards dental treatment was also assessed using the Frankel's behavior rating scale. Data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis. Results showed that caries experience among autistic children was lower; however they were found to have more debris and calculus deposits. Conclusions: Negative behavior towards dental treatment was seen in autistic children.


Autism, dental caries, oral hygiene, behavior, India

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Subramaniam P,Gupta M. Oral Health Status of Autistic Children in India. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(1);43-48.


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