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Successful Application of Atelocollagen for Treatment of Perforated Teeth

  • Katsuhiko Masuda1
  • Kazuhiko Nakano1,*,
  • Rena Okawa1
  • Shuhei Naka1
  • Michiyo Matsumoto1
  • Takashi Ooshima1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.1.u3u603545u127w7r Vol.36,Issue 1,January 2012 pp.1-4

Published: 01 January 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): Kazuhiko Nakano E-mail:


Objective: Cervical or furcal root perforation is a serious clinical problem and one of its treatment modalities is perforation repair with composite resin. However, many cases still progress in inevitable extraction. When primary teeth are affected, early tooth loss can cause problems related to the eruption space for the permanent successors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a novel clinical treatment method for perforated teeth. Study design: Atelocollagen was applied to perforated furcal and cervical areas of 13 primary teeth in 13 children aged 4-9 years and 8 permanent teeth in 8 adults aged 35-69 years after debridement with an electric knife. Thereafter, the final restorations were performed after confirming good tooth conditions. Clinical evaluations were performed at follow-up examinations at approximately 3-month intervals.Results: None of the treated primary teeth showed any clinical problems throughout the observation period, with eruption of the permanent successors noted in 7 cases. In the permanent teeth, no clinical problems were identified in any of the cases during follow-up periods of 10-60 months. Conclusion: This novel method may enable preservation of perforated primary teeth for a longer duration.


perforated teeth, furcation, primary teeth, permanent teeth, atelocollagen

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Katsuhiko Masuda,Kazuhiko Nakano,Rena Okawa,Shuhei Naka,Michiyo Matsumoto,Takashi Ooshima. Successful Application of Atelocollagen for Treatment of Perforated Teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(1);1-4.


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