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Dental Adhesion: Mechanism, Techniques and Durability

  • Manuja N1,*,
  • Nagpal R1
  • Pandit IK1

1Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Kothiwal Dental College, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Department of Paediatric Dentistry, DAV(c) Dental College, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.3.68805rl1r037m063 Vol.36,Issue 3,May 2012 pp.223-234

Published: 01 May 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): Manuja N E-mail:


Contemporary dental adhesives show favorable immediate results in terms of bonding effectiveness. However, the durability of resin-dentin bonds is their major problem. It appears that simplification of adhesive techniques is rather detrimental to the long term stability of resin-tooth interface. The hydrostatic pulpal pressure, the dentinal fluid flow and the increased dentinal wetness in vital dentin can affect the intimate interaction of certain dentin adhesives with dentinal tissue. Bond degradation occurs via water sorption, hydrolysis of ester linkages of methacrylate resins, and activation of endogenous dentin matrix metalloproteinases. The three-step etch-and-rinse adhesives still remain the gold standard in terms of durability. This review discusses the fundamental process of adhesion to enamel and dentin with different adhesive techniques, factors affecting the long term bonding performance of modern adhesives and addresses the current perspectives for improving bond durability.


Adhesion, resin-dentin interface, hydrophilicity, durability.

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Manuja N,Nagpal R,Pandit IK. Dental Adhesion: Mechanism, Techniques and Durability. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(3);223-234.


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JournalSeek Genamics JournalSeek is the largest completely categorized database of freely available journal information available on the internet. The database presently contains 39226 titles. Journal information includes the description (aims and scope), journal abbreviation, journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN.

Current Contents - Clinical Medicine Current Contents - Clinical Medicine provides easy access to complete tables of contents, abstracts, bibliographic information and all other significant items in recently published issues from over 1,000 leading journals in clinical medicine.

BIOSIS Previews BIOSIS Previews is an English-language, bibliographic database service, with abstracts and citation indexing. It is part of Clarivate Analytics Web of Science suite. BIOSIS Previews indexes data from 1926 to the present.

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition aims to evaluate a journal’s value from multiple perspectives including the journal impact factor, descriptive data about a journal’s open access content as well as contributing authors, and provide readers a transparent and publisher-neutral data & statistics information about the journal.

Scopus: CiteScore 1.8 (2023) Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 Inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences.

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