Article Type
Special Issue
Correlation of Dental Maturity with Skeletal Maturity from Radiographic Assessment: A Review
1Postgraduate Orthodontic Program, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health, A.T. Still University, 5835 East Still Circle, Mesa, AZ .
*Corresponding Author(s): Jae Hyun Park E-mail: JPark@atsu.edu
There have been many attempts to correlate dental development with skeletal growth. The relationship is generally considered to be moderate at best. However, there is evidence that hand-wrist radiographic interpretation of remaining growth can be augmented by taking into account the developing dentition. In addition, the practicality of evaluating routine dental radiographs and avoiding additional radiation is advantageous. To this point, no system has been described to match apical development by Demirjian’s stages and compare it to skeletal development and remaining growth. This study reviewed articles pertinent to the relationship between developing teeth and skeletal maturity and remaining growth, and a system is proposed to give practitioners an additional assessment for growth and development.
dental maturity, skeletal maturity, cervical vertebrae maturity, mandibular third molar
John M. Morris,Jae Hyun Park. Correlation of Dental Maturity with Skeletal Maturity from Radiographic Assessment: A Review. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(3);309-314.
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