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Ghost Cell Odontogenic Tumor Associated with Odontoma – Report of Two Rare Cases

  • Hogge M1
  • Velez I1,*,
  • Kaltman S1
  • Movahed R1
  • Yeh F1

1Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine, Pathology Division, 3200 S University Dr., Fort Lauderdale, Fl.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.4.h0x50662vj624912 Vol.36,Issue 4,July 2012 pp.373-376

Published: 01 July 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): Velez I E-mail:


The ghost cell odontogenic tumor (GCOT) is a neoplastic/cystic lesion with a diverse histopathological and clinical behavior. It was formerly known as calcified odontogenic cyst, but in 2005 the World Health Organization categorized this lesion as an odontogenic, benign tumor rather than a cyst; nominating this neoplasm as calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor. A later comprehensive classification named it ghost cell odontogenic tumor, because the most remarkable histopathologic characteristic is the presence of a mass of ghost cells embedded in the epithelium. We report two cases of a rare variant of a ghost cell odontogenic tumor associated with odontoma; to our knowledge, one is the youngest patient (four month old) reported in the English literature.


ghost cell odontogenic tumor, calcified odontogenic cyst, children.

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Hogge M,Velez I,Kaltman S,Movahed R,Yeh F. Ghost Cell Odontogenic Tumor Associated with Odontoma – Report of Two Rare Cases. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(4);373-376.


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