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Multifunctional Ribbond – A Versatile Tool

  • Chaudhary V1,*,
  • Shrivastava B1
  • Bhatia HP1
  • Aggarwal A1
  • Singh AK1
  • Gupta N1

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Santosh Dental College and Hospitals, Ghaziabad.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.36.4.n140k84100758340 Vol.36,Issue 4,July 2012 pp.325-328

Published: 01 July 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): Chaudhary V E-mail:


Pediatric dentists come across a variety of cases in their day to day practice that requires quick intervention in order to enhance or restore children’s smile and functions in the oral cavity. Ribbond is one such material, which has occupied an important place in the dentist’s repertoire. Ribbond can be used as an alternative to conventional treatment in pediatric dentistry. This case report demonstrates usage of Ribbond as a space maintainer, a fixed partial denture with an acrylic tooth pontic, an endodontic post and a splint material in children. Ribbond combines high-strength fibers with enhanced bondability and patented crosslink lock-stitch leno weave. Ribbond’s strength, esthetics, and bondability make it useful for multiple applications in clinical pediatric dentistry.


Ribbond, Fixed partial denture, Endodontic post, Trauma splint, Space maintainer.

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Chaudhary V,Shrivastava B,Bhatia HP,Aggarwal A,Singh AK,Gupta N. Multifunctional Ribbond – A Versatile Tool. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2012. 36(4);325-328.


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