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Esthetic Smile Rehabilitation through Autogenous Bonding of Dental Fragment: A Case Report

  • Gonçalves-Sena L1
  • Guimarães Rosa Dutra AC1
  • Corrêa-Faria P1,*,
  • Botelho AM1
  • Ramos-Jorge ML1
  • Aguiar Tavano KT1

1Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.37.1.9v7u29m18mgh4v06 Vol.37,Issue 1,January 2013 pp.5-8

Published: 01 January 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): Corrêa-Faria P E-mail:


Autogenous tooth fragment bonding offers advantages over restorations with composite resins and porcelain, including better esthetics, greater durability, reestablishment of the natural function of the dental element and short execution time. A case is presented of a 14-year-old male patient who suffered an oblique crown fracture of the permanent right maxillary central incisor (11) due to a traumatic fall. The clinical examination revealed pulp exposure with no invasion of the biological space. Due to the extension of the fracture, endodontic treatment and the placement of an intra-root esthetic pin was needed. The tooth was restored using the autogenous fragment bonding method. Excellent esthetic and functional results were observed after two years of follow up.


tooth fracture, esthetics, permanent dentition

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Gonçalves-Sena L,Guimarães Rosa Dutra AC,Corrêa-Faria P,Botelho AM,Ramos-Jorge ML,Aguiar Tavano KT. Esthetic Smile Rehabilitation through Autogenous Bonding of Dental Fragment: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2013. 37(1);5-8.


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