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Modified Thermoplastic Plate: A New Proposal for Correction of Exaggerated Overbite in Mixed Dentition

  • Pithon MM1,*,
  • Alves LP2
  • Alves GO2
  • Teixeira NS2

1Orthodontics Southwest Bahia State University (UESB), Jequié, BA - Brazil

2,Dentistry Southwest Bahia State University (UESB)

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.37.1.g447g4u7p4071127 Vol.37,Issue 1,January 2013 pp.109-112

Published: 01 January 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): Pithon MM E-mail:


Exaggerated overbite can be corrected by several treatment modalities. As the primary objective is to correct the problem by addressing its root cause, treatment options are closely related to etiology. Therefore, the main treatment strategies are: the extrusion of posterior teeth, intrusion of teeth (maxillary/mandibular) or the combination of these. The purpose of this paper is to describe the fabrication of a modified thermoplastic plate (MTP) for correction of exaggerated overbite in mixed dentition and describe a clinical case treated with this device. MTP favored the extrusion of posterior teeth, in addition to being shown to be a device that was easy to manufacture and effective in the treatment of excessive overbite, enabling patients to return to normal condition during the development of occlusion.


Orthodontics; Malocclusion; Dental intrusion; Orthodontic Extrusion; Overbite; Children

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Pithon MM,Alves LP,Alves GO,Teixeira NS. Modified Thermoplastic Plate: A New Proposal for Correction of Exaggerated Overbite in Mixed Dentition. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2013. 37(1);109-112.


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