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Propolis and Commonly Used Intracanal Irrigants. Comparative Evaluation of Inflammatory Potential

  • Jolly M1,*,
  • Singh N1
  • Rathore M1
  • Tandon S1
  • Sharma S2

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow, India

2Department of Toxicology, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.37.4.l4t31237p5723784 Vol.37,Issue 4,July 2013 pp.373-376

Published: 01 July 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): Jolly M E-mail:


The present study evaluated the inflammatory/ irritant potential of propolis in comparison with commonly used intracanal irrigants such as chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide, with normal saline solution as control using an animal (Wistar rats) model. Method: 2% Evans blue was intravenously injected into the lateral caudal vein. 0.1 ml each of the test solutions was intradermally injected into the experimental sites designed on their shaved backs. The animals were then sacrificed after 1½ and 3 hours respectively. Each piece of skin containing the injected solution was excised, immersed in 4ml formamide and incubated at 45°C for 72 hours. After filtration with glass wool, optical density(OD) was measured using a spectro¬photometer and analyzed statistically. Results: At 620 nm irrespective of time, the mean optical density with Calcium Hydroxide was found to be maximum (0.197±0.095) while that with DMSO Propolis was found to be minimum (0.070±0.016). Both at 90 min and 180 min, the mean optical density with Calcium Hydroxide was found to be maximum. Conclusions: On short term evaluation, maximum inflammation was seen with calcium hydroxide followed by chlorhexidine and DMSO extract of propolis. Minimum inflammation was seen with sterile physiologic saline. With progress of time, maximum inflammation was seen with calcium hydroxide followed by chlorhexidine and DMSO extract of propolis which was non-significant.


propolis, intracanal irrigants, inflammatory potential, optical density

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Jolly M,Singh N,Rathore M,Tandon S,Sharma S. Propolis and Commonly Used Intracanal Irrigants. Comparative Evaluation of Inflammatory Potential. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2013. 37(4);373-376.


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