Article Type
Special Issue
Molar Luxations Caused by Holding Water Taps. Report of Five Cases
1Department of Oral Surgery, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Saitama Japan
DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.38.1.042273u60276m526 Vol.38,Issue 1,January 2014 pp.19-22
Published: 01 January 2014
*Corresponding Author(s): Horie N E-mail: horien@saitama-med.ac.jp
Luxation of a primary molar occurs rarely. Here, we describe five cases of primary molar luxation caused by holding a water tap pipe in the mouth during bathing. The patients were aged 16 to 19 months and the mandibular first primary molar was affected in all five cases. The second primary molar had not erupted. It is assumed that the flange of the pipe got stuck in the interdental space between the mandibular primary canine and first primary molar and the affected first molar was pushed out by force with the flange acting as a lever.
tooth luxation, primary molar, water tap
Horie N,Hino S,Fukai S,Kaneko T,Shimoyama T. Molar Luxations Caused by Holding Water Taps. Report of Five Cases. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2014. 38(1);19-22.
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