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Shear-Bond Strength of a New Self-Adhering Flowable Restorative Material to Dentin of Primary Molars

  • Pacifici E1
  • Chazine M2
  • Vichi A2,*,
  • Grandini S2
  • Goracci C2
  • Ferrari M2

1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences, Unit of Paediatric Dentistry, “Sapienza” University of Rome

2Department of Dental Materials and Fixed Prosthodontics of the University of Siena, Tuscan School of Dental Medicine, University of Firenze and Siena, Italy

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.38.2.l3q5l3128k2870j7 Vol.38,Issue 2,March 2014 pp.149-154

Published: 01 March 2014


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength to dentin of primary molars of a new self-adhering flowable resin composite with two ionomer-based cements and one flowable resin composite in combination with two different adhesive systems. Study design: Fifty primary molars were grinded on the occlusal surface to obtain flat dentin substrate and randomly divided into 5 groups (n=10): OFL:Phosphoric Acid/Optibond FL/Premise Flow; OAO:Optibond All-In-One/Premise Flowable; II:Polyacrylic Acid/Fuji II; IX:Polyacrylic Acid/Fuji IX; V:Vertise Flow. Cylinders (3mm diameter – 5mm height) of restorative material were built-up in three increments over the dentin surfaces. A shear load was applied until failure. Bond strength values were statistically analysed with Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA followed by Dunn's test (P<.05). Differences in failure mode distribution were assessed with Chi-square (P<.05). Results: OFL and OAO recorded significantly higher bond strengths than the other groups. Adhesive failures were evident in all groups except OFL and OAO, in which also cohesive failures in dentin were observed. Conclusions: Vertise Flow established on primary dentin bond strengths values similar to those of glass ionomer cements routinely used for restorations of primary teeth. The combination of flowable resin with etch-and-rinse or all-in-one adhesives obtained higher bond strength values, thus involving a more complex handling.


Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Bonding, Composite resin, Glass Ionomer Cements

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Pacifici E,Chazine M,Vichi A,Grandini S,Goracci C,Ferrari M. Shear-Bond Strength of a New Self-Adhering Flowable Restorative Material to Dentin of Primary Molars. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2014. 38(2);149-154.


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