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Assessing Changes in Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Following Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia

  • Erkmen Almaz M1,*,
  • Şaroğlu Sönmez I2
  • Akbay Oba A1
  • Alp S1

1Department of Pedodontics, Kirikkale University Faculty of Dentistry, Kırıkkale, Turkey

2Department of Pedodontics, Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Dentistry, Aydın, Turkey.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.38.3.d032283066403848 Vol.38,Issue 3,April 2014 pp.263-268

Published: 01 April 2014

*Corresponding Author(s): Erkmen Almaz M E-mail:


To determine whether dental treatment under general anesthesia (GA) improved oral healthrelated quality of life (OHRQoL) in pre-school children, to evaluate the sensitivity and responsiveness of the Turkish version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) and to examine parental satisfaction with the care received. Study design: The parents/caregivers of 120 pre-school children receiving dental treatment under GA, were asked to complete the ECOHIS before and after treatment. Participants were also asked a global transition judgement concerning change in their child’s condition after treatment. Global transition judgement and distribution changes in ECOHIS scores were used to assess the sensitivity and responsiveness. Results: 98 children completed the follow-up survey. Between pre- and post-treatment ECOHIS scores, significant reduction was observed (p<0.001). The effect sizes were moderate and large (0.36 to 1.63). Global transition rating groups were compatible with statistical differences between pre- and posttreatment scores, supporting the responsiveness of the ECOHIS. 91% of parents regarded the experience to be positive. Conclusions: Children’s OHRQoL showed significant improvement after treatment. The majority of parents reported a high degree of satisfaction. Also, Turkish version of the ECOHIS was sensitive to dental treatment under GA for pre-school children and responsive to treatment-associated changes.


Preschool children, Dental treatment, General Anesthesia, Quality of Life

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Erkmen Almaz M,Şaroğlu Sönmez I,Akbay Oba A,Alp S. Assessing Changes in Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Following Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2014. 38(3);263-268.


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