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Relationship between Disk Position and Degenerative Bone Changes in Temporomandibular Joints of Young Subjects with TMD. An MRI Study

  • Moncada G1,*,
  • Cortés D1
  • Millas R1
  • Marholz C1

1Universidad Mayor, Dental School, Alameda 2013, Santiago, RM, Chile.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.38.3.w43m8474433n7ur2 Vol.38,Issue 3,April 2014 pp.269-276

Published: 01 April 2014

*Corresponding Author(s): Moncada G E-mail:


This study determines the frequency and relationship between disk position and degenerative bone changes in temporomandibular joints in children and adolescent patients with internal derangement. Study design: TMJ, MRI of 88 patients were analyzed (average age: 14.7 years-old, range age: 10-18 years-old), female n=65 (73.9%) and male n=23 (26.1%). Images obtained were used to determine the frequency of disk position, joint effusion (JE) and degenerative bone changes (OA). Images were assessed by a calibrated radiologist (Kappa=0.82). Results: No significant association was found between disk displacement with reduction and degenerative bone changes (Chi2=9.894; OR= 0.375; p=0.0017), nor disk without displacement (Chi2=9.448; OR= 0.223; p=0.0021). A significant association was found between disk displacement without reduction and degenerative bone changes (Chi2=30.951; OR=6.304; p=0.0001). Conclusions: There is a significant association between disk displacement without reduction and degenerative bone changes (p=0.0001) in children and adolescent patients with TMD.


TMJ, TMD, MRI, TMJ Disk, degenerative bone disease, children, internal derangement.

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Moncada G,Cortés D,Millas R,Marholz C. Relationship between Disk Position and Degenerative Bone Changes in Temporomandibular Joints of Young Subjects with TMD. An MRI Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2014. 38(3);269-276.


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