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Assessment of Skeletal Maturation using Mandibular Second Molar Maturation Stages

  • Goyal S1,*,
  • Goyal S2
  • Gugnani N3

1King Faisal Hospital and Research Centre,Rwanda Biomedical Centre Kigali, Rwanda

2Polyclinique LaMedicale, Kigali

3Dept of Pedodontics, DAV Dental College, Yamunanagar, Haryana, India

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.1.9224022173577151 Vol.39,Issue 1,January 2015 pp.79-84

Published: 01 January 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Goyal S E-mail:


Objectives: To investigate the relationship between cervical vertebrae maturation and mandibular second molar calcification stages.Study design: The study was designed as a retrospective, descriptive and crosssectional research project. Pre-treatment lateral cephalograms and panoramic radiographs of 99 males and 110 females in the age range of 7 to 18 years 7 months were evaluated with Demirjian Index (DI) and cervical vertebrae maturation indicators (CVMI) of Hassel and Farman. A null hypothesis was proposed that there is no relation between CVMI and DI. Results: A highly significant association (Pearson's contingency coefficient 0.713 for males and 0.863 for females) was found between DI and CVMI. In males, the DI stage E corresponded to stage 2 of CVMI (pre–peak of pubertal growth spurt) and DI stages F and G corresponded to stages 3 and 4 of CVMI (peak of pubertal growth spurt). DI stage H was associated with stages 5 and 6 of CVMI (end of pubertal growth spurt). In females, the DI stages C, D corresponded to CVMI stages 1, 2; DI stages E, F with CVMI stages 3, 4; DI stages G, H with CVMI stages 5, 6. Conclusion: Mandibular second molar calcification stages can be used as indicators for assessment of skeletal maturity.


Skeletal maturation, Cervical vertebrae maturation indicators, Demirjian Index, Mandibular second molar

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Goyal S,Goyal S,Gugnani N. Assessment of Skeletal Maturation using Mandibular Second Molar Maturation Stages. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(1);79-84.


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