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Zirconia Crowns for Rehabilitation of Decayed Primary Incisors: An Esthetic Alternative

  • Ashima G1
  • Sarabjot K Bhatia1,*,
  • Gauba K1
  • Mittal HC1

1Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry Oral Health Sciences Center, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.1.t6725r5566u4330g Vol.39,Issue 1,January 2015 pp.18-22

Published: 01 January 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Sarabjot K Bhatia E-mail:


Esthetic management of extensively decayed primary maxillary anterior teeth requiring full coronal coverage restoration is usually challenging to the pediatric dentists especially in very young children. Many esthetic options have been tried over the years each having its own advantages, disadvantages and associated technical, functional or esthetic limitations. Zirconia crowns have provided a treatment alternative to address the esthetic concerns and ease of placement of extra-coronal restorations on primary anterior teeth. The present article presents a case where grossly decayed maxillary primary incisors were restored esthetically and functionally with readymade zirconia crowns (ZIRKIZ, HASS Corp; Korea). After endodontic treatment the decayed teeth were restored with zirconia crowns. Over a 30 months period, the crowns have demonstrated good retention and esthetic results. Dealing with esthetic needs in children with extensive loss of tooth structure, using Zirconia crowns would be practical and successful. The treatment described is simple and effective and represents a promising alternative for rehabilitation of decayed primary teeth.


Esthetics, children, zirconia

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Ashima G,Sarabjot K Bhatia,Gauba K,Mittal HC. Zirconia Crowns for Rehabilitation of Decayed Primary Incisors: An Esthetic Alternative. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(1);18-22.


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