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Efficacy and Tolerance of Papain Gel with Conventional Drilling Method: A Clinico-Microbiological Study

  • Goyal PA1,*,
  • Kumari R1
  • Kannan VP1
  • Madhu S1

1Department of Pedodontics, Govt. Dental College, Kozhikode,Kerala.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.n25754863557k727 Vol.39,Issue 2,March 2015 pp.109-112

Published: 01 March 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Goyal PA E-mail:


Conventional methods of caries removal are commonly associated with pain, fear and discomfort. Chemomechanical methods were introduced to instill a positive dental attitude. Agents like GK101, Caridex, Carisolv did not prove effective alternatives owing to their high cost, need of special instruments and taste of chlorine. A new chemomechanical agent, Papacarie®, has been introduced to overcome these deficiencies.Objective:This study was aimed to compare the effectiveness and tolerance of Papacárie® with the conventional method. Method:25 children with at least two primary teeth with broad cavitated occlusal or cervical lesion were selected. One carious tooth from each patient was randomly treated with each of Papacarie® and conventional drilling method, one after the other. Time taken for caries excavation, child’s pain perception, change in anxiety levels, microbial flora and child’s preference of treatment were recorded separately for both the methods. Result:Although the mean time taken for caries removal by the Papacarie® method was slightly longer (P>0.05) but it led to reduction in pain and anxiety (p<0.05). The viable bacterial counts were significantly reduced by either of the two methods (P <0·0001). More patients preferred Papacarie® over conventional method of treatment (P<0.05). Conclusion: Papacárie® method seems to be a better alternative to conventional method of caries removal.


Caries, Papacarie®, Chemomechanical caries removal, Conventional method

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Goyal PA,Kumari R,Kannan VP,Madhu S. Efficacy and Tolerance of Papain Gel with Conventional Drilling Method: A Clinico-Microbiological Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(2);109-112.


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