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Effect of Ethanol Wet Bonding Technique on the Durability of ResinDentin Bond with Contemporary Adhesive Systems

  • Nagpal R1
  • Manuja N1,*,
  • Pandit IK1

1Kothiwal Dental College and Research Centre, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.39.2.p14u4x3q14272452 Vol.39,Issue 2,March 2015 pp.133-142

Published: 01 March 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Manuja N E-mail:


To evaluate the effect of ethanol wet bonding technique on the immediate and long term bond strength of simplified etch and rinse adhesive systems to dentin. Study Design: 96 extracted human permanent molars were ground to expose the flat dentin surface. The teeth were divided into four groups (n=24) according to the adhesives used, either Tetric N Bond or Solobond M and bonding techniques i.e. water wet bonding or ethanol wet bonding (EWB). Composite cylinder was bonded to each specimen using the respective adhesive technique. Ten samples from each group were then tested immediately for shear bond strength evaluation and two samples for SEM analysis. The remaining samples (12) were tested after 6 month storage in distilled water. Results: Upon immediate testing, there was no significant difference in the mean shear bond strength of the groups regardless of the bonding technique or adhesive used. The bond strength fell dramatically in the water wet bonded specimens after 6 months water storage, while the bond strength of both the adhesives was maintained when EWB technique was used. SEM observation revealed good interfacial adaptation in EWB groups even after six months. Conclusion: For both simplified etch and rinse adhesives used, ethanol wet bonding technique led to significant preservation of the resin dentin bond over 6 months.


Resin-dentin bond, durability, ethanol wet bonding, bond strength.

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Nagpal R,Manuja N,Pandit IK. Effect of Ethanol Wet Bonding Technique on the Durability of ResinDentin Bond with Contemporary Adhesive Systems. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(2);133-142.


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