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Case Reports

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Continual management for delayed teeth eruption following excision of an intraosseous compound odontoma: a case report

  • Ummi Wajdiyah1
  • Zia Nurul Zahbia1
  • Nirwana Dachlan1
  • Yeyen Marwaty1
  • En Nadia1
  • Try Diana Utami1
  • Syakriani Syahrir1,*,

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry Hasanuddin University, 90245 Makassar, Indonesia

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2025.042 Vol.49,Issue 2,March 2025 pp.217-223

Submitted: 02 April 2024 Accepted: 19 June 2024

Published: 03 March 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Syakriani Syahrir E-mail:


Background: Intraosseous compound odontoma is the most common benign odonto-genic tumor formed by odontogenic tissue components differentiating into ameloblasts and odontoblasts, with subsequent deposits producing tooth-like structures (denticles), causing primary teeth retention and impeding permanent teeth eruption in children. Odontoma removal without orthodontic traction is performed to allow for spontaneous eruption of the succedaneous teeth. Case: This report was written to describe an 8-year-old girl with an intraosseous compound odontoma obstructing the development of permanent incisor teeth. Because spontaneous eruptions have not yet occurred, the treatment plan subsequently transitioned to manage space for eruption. While this strategy was not considered in the initial plan, we proposed this appliance be preferred treatment to maintain the space until the permanent incisor teeth erupted. Conclusions: Odontoma removal not followed by spontaneous eruption of the permanent tooth soon apparently requires further management for space managing.


Compound odontoma; Delayed eruption; Impacted; Intraosseous; Space maintainer

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Ummi Wajdiyah,Zia Nurul Zahbia,Nirwana Dachlan,Yeyen Marwaty,En Nadia,Try Diana Utami,Syakriani Syahrir. Continual management for delayed teeth eruption following excision of an intraosseous compound odontoma: a case report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2025. 49(2);217-223.


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