Vol.42,Issue 4,July 2018


Open Access

I Am A Pediatric Dentist: Why is Major Depression Among Adolescents my Concern?

H. Barry Waldman,Steven P Perlman,Allen Wong

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.1

Abstract ( 1141 ) PDF (360.38 kB) ( 151 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Effect of Dentists’ Appearance Related with Dental Fear and Caries Status in 6-12 Years Old Children

Ozge Yahyaoglu,Ozgul Baygin,Gorkem Yahyaoglu,Tamer Tuzuner

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.4

Abstract ( 1210 ) PDF (673.87 kB) ( 202 ) Full Text

Open Access

Prevalence and Severity of Dental Caries in Foster-Care Children and Adolescents

Solis-Riggioni A,Gallardo-Barquero C,Chavarria-Bolaños D

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.5

Abstract ( 1208 ) PDF (392.62 kB) ( 214 ) Full Text

Open Access

Trends and Characteristics of Pediatric Dentistry Patients Treated under General Anesthesia

Maxwell N Rudie,Michael M Milano,Michael W Roberts,Kimon Divaris

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.12

Abstract ( 1308 ) PDF (465.52 kB) ( 295 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula and Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children: Dental Considerations and Case Report

J Arturo Garrocho-Rangel,Juana M Arvizu-Rivera,Nadia P Campos-Lara,Miguel A Rosales-Berber,Amaury Pozos-Guillén

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.3

Abstract ( 1185 ) PDF (474.25 kB) ( 206 ) Full Text

Open Access

Modified Approach to Central Giant Cell Lesion

Lucas Borin Moura,Sandra Beatriz Chaves Tarquinio,Ana Paula Neutzling Gomes,André Ribeiro Schinestsck,Marcos Antonio Torriani

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.9

Abstract ( 1075 ) PDF (316.33 kB) ( 171 ) Full Text

Open Access

Relief of Upper Airway Obstruction Using a Cervical Splint for Young Patients with Cerebral Palsy

Hyoju Son,Soohyeon Kim,Jaeho Lee,Chungmin Kang,Seunghye Kim

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.4.10

Abstract ( 1064 ) PDF (375.29 kB) ( 134 ) Full Text

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