Vol.26,Issue 3,July 2002

Original Research

Open Access

Microleakage of composite resin restoration in cavities prepared by Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation and etched bur cavities in primary teeth

Mozammal Hossain,Yukio Nakamura,Yoshishige Yamada,Yoshiko Murakami,Koukichi Matsumoto

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.q8747j711g425582

Abstract ( 1125 ) PDF (146.23 kB) ( 133 ) Full Text

Open Access

Pulpal response to different pulp capping methods after pulp exposure by air abrasion

Lina Maria Cardenas-Duque,Makoto Yoshida,George Goto

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.1235wp665xmxx24u

Abstract ( 1214 ) PDF (278.49 kB) ( 163 ) Full Text

Open Access

Influence of socioeconomic level and dentifrice brand on the oral hygiene habits and the fluoride dentifrice ingestion

Regina M. Puppin Rontani,Ariana Belotto Correa Kassawara,Celia Regina M. Delgado Rodrigues

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.ul4v10t21x07v718

Abstract ( 1086 ) PDF (114.91 kB) ( 158 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Submerged teeth

K. Antoniades,S. Kavadia,K. Milioti,V. Antoniades,E. Markovitsi

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.05618l552p320552

Abstract ( 1399 ) PDF (89.22 kB) ( 218 ) Full Text

Open Access

Seckel syndrome: report of a case

Figen Seymen,Bahar Tuna,Hulya Kayserili

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.l02834m2827m0132

Abstract ( 1165 ) PDF (137.56 kB) ( 156 ) Full Text

Open Access

Garre’s osteomyelitis associated with a fistula: a case report

Marcelo Gonçalves,Daniel Pinto Oliveira,Edmar Oliveira Oya,Andréa Gonçalves

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.v65535482m037304

Abstract ( 1176 ) PDF (91.75 kB) ( 146 ) Full Text

Open Access

Granular congenital cell tumor in the newborn: a case report

Mohammad Salem Belal,Hamijeta Ibricevic,John Patrick Madda,Waleed Al-therban

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.26.3.bq667141226w2xk4

Abstract ( 1098 ) PDF (114.27 kB) ( 141 ) Full Text

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