Vol.28,Issue 1,January 2004

Original Research

Open Access

Laser pediatric crowns performed without anesthesia: a contemporary technique

B. Jacboson,J. Berger,R. Kravitz,P. Patel

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.t4v16x7757245q64

Abstract ( 1166 ) PDF (58.81 kB) ( 150 ) Full Text

Open Access

Tooth transpositions associated with dental anomalies and treatment management in a sample of orthodontic patients

S. Kavadia Tsatala,S.Sidiropoulou,E.G. Kaklamanos,A. Chatziyanni

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.c320v565x8413n7g

Abstract ( 1057 ) PDF (157.37 kB) ( 113 ) Full Text

Open Access

Clinical complications associated with supernumerary teeth: report of two cases

Ana Beatriz Alonso Chevitarese,Claudia Maria Tavares,Laura Primo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.d6833kj7uq0844h2

Abstract ( 1088 ) PDF (95.97 kB) ( 130 ) Full Text

Open Access

Congenital defect of maxillary primary central incisor associated with exposed pulp and gingiva: case report

Tomiko Sano,Mieko Tomizawa,Hiroko Ida-Yonemoch,Yoshihiro Tanabe,Tadashi Noda

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.n74q771v51217902

Abstract ( 1071 ) PDF (92.47 kB) ( 150 ) Full Text

Open Access

Gingival necrosis in relation to palatal expansion appliance: an unwanted sequelae

Gauri Sardessai,Aquaviva S. Fernandesh

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.f56771336wj5n8g4

Abstract ( 1092 ) PDF (70.42 kB) ( 118 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in children with primary dentition

Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim,Maria Beatriz Duarte Gaviao,Fabiola Grammatico Carmagnani,Luciano Jose Pereira,Paula Midori Castelo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.0772w75g91963670

Abstract ( 1255 ) PDF (107.1 kB) ( 160 ) Full Text

Open Access

Comparison of three methods for detection of carious lesions in proximal surfaces versus direct visual examination after tooth separation

Fabio Luiz Mialhe,Antonio Carlos Pereira,Vanessa Pardi,Marcelo de Castro Meneghim

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.g121387868676514

Abstract ( 1168 ) PDF (62.94 kB) ( 144 ) Full Text

Open Access

Effectiveness of treatment with carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in subjects affected by dental fluorosis: a clinical trial

Juan Pablo Loyola-Rodriguez,Amaury de Jesus Pozos-Guillen,Felipe HernandezHernandez,Rocio Berumen-Maldonado,Nuria Patiño-Marin

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.1q78t43054jk5911

Abstract ( 1235 ) PDF (67.48 kB) ( 227 ) Full Text

Open Access

The removal of the smear layer using EGTA: a scanning electron microscopic study

Deepak Viswanath,Amitha M Hegde,A.K. Munshi

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.h22855850025322p

Abstract ( 1110 ) PDF (147.53 kB) ( 152 ) Full Text

Open Access

Changes in occlusal contact area and average bite pressure during treatment of anterior crossbite in primary dentition

Yasutaka Yawaka,Syouji Hironaka,Akemi Akiyama,Ikuko Matzuduka,Chihiro Takasaki,Haruhisa Oguchi

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.25472t792t36p50m

Abstract ( 1095 ) PDF (104.56 kB) ( 141 ) Full Text

Open Access

Congenital gum synechiae as an isolated anomaly: a case report

Seda Gursoy Haydar,Aylin Tercan,Sina Uckan,Berkan Gurakan

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.1.j3412500v2375v06

Abstract ( 1106 ) PDF (73.81 kB) ( 128 ) Full Text

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