Vol.28,Issue 3,July 2004

Original Research

Open Access

Dentistry for babies: why do parents seek dental care?

Robinson Frederico Cunha,Jaqueline Xavier Matos,Suzimary Moya A.P. Marfinati

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.x06626w18k6688n2

Abstract ( 1026 ) PDF (42.9 kB) ( 132 ) Full Text

Open Access

Alveolar bone height in infraoccluded primary teeth

Eliyahu Mass,Ari Kupietzky,F. Maye,Enrique Bimstein

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.m1270106537664g1

Abstract ( 997 ) PDF (85.26 kB) ( 133 ) Full Text

Open Access

Effects of timing and number of palate repair on maxillary growth in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients

Ashok Kumar Jena,Ritu Duggal,Ajoy Roychoudhury,Hari Parkash

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.f55481481071302g

Abstract ( 1045 ) PDF (110.79 kB) ( 124 ) Full Text

Open Access

Evaluation of TMJ by conventional transcranial radiography and indirect digitized images to determine condylar position in primary dentition

Luciano José Pereira,Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim,Paula Midori Castelo,Francisco Haiter Neto,Maria Beatriz Duarte Gavião

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.0427191377v71765

Abstract ( 991 ) PDF (87.71 kB) ( 110 ) Full Text

Open Access

Salivary characteristics of children and its relation to oral microorganism and lip mucosa dryness

Najlaa Alamoudi,Najat Farsi,Jamila Faris,Ibrahim Masoud,Khaled Merdad,Dalia Meisha

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.h24774507006l550

Abstract ( 1036 ) PDF (87.57 kB) ( 147 ) Full Text

Open Access

Comparison of three different preparation methods in the improvement of sealant retention

Laura Camacho Castro,Ana Claudia Galvão

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.6601q47p5364206p

Abstract ( 1044 ) PDF (67.62 kB) ( 113 ) Full Text

Open Access

Titanium penetration in human enamel after TiF4 application

Ana Beatriz Chevitarese,Orlando Chevitarese,Leila Maria Chevitarese,Paulo Bechara Dutra

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.jn86252876j75053

Abstract ( 1018 ) PDF (118.97 kB) ( 108 ) Full Text

Open Access

Six-year clinical evaluation of polyacid-modified composite resin used as fissure sealant

Vanessa Pardi,Antonio Carlos Pereira,Fábio Luiz Mialhe,Marcelo de Castro Meneghim,Gláucia Maria Bovi Ambrosano

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.anq124530gjv2062

Abstract ( 1080 ) PDF (53.79 kB) ( 127 ) Full Text

Open Access

Efficacy of a self-etching dentin primer composed of TEGMA and phenyl-P

Shinichiro Yoshimoto,Kazuo Itoh,Atsufumi Manabe,Mitsuko Inoue,Hisashi Hisamitsu,Ryuuji Sasa

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.p2w44800wq062836

Abstract ( 981 ) PDF (57.52 kB) ( 139 ) Full Text

Open Access

Dental erosion: a complication of Pervasive Developmental Disorder

Mohamed A. Bassiouny,Kourosh Zarrinnia

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.n7m675562kr684g9

Abstract ( 1049 ) PDF (117.63 kB) ( 143 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Delayed eruption of maxillary permanent central incisors as a consequence of mesiodens: a surgical re-treatment approach

Renata Simões Moraes',João Alfredo Farinhas,Rogerio Gleiser,Laura Guimarães Primo

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.e137l87242t86222

Abstract ( 1093 ) PDF (152.71 kB) ( 161 ) Full Text

Open Access

Van der Woude Syndrome: a report of two cases

NM King,CHL Cheong,AME Sanares

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.28.3.t250869457555q58

Abstract ( 1004 ) PDF (161.7 kB) ( 161 ) Full Text

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