Vol.25,Issue 1,January 2001

Case Reports

Open Access

Labiolingual and mesiodistal positioning of maxillary permanent incisors during the eruption process

'Osmar Aparecido Cuoghi,Francisco Antonio Bertoz,Marcos Rogerio de Mendonca,Eduardo Cesar Almada Santos,An Tien Li

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.d281748j75961gp3

Abstract ( 1061 ) PDF (314.47 kB) ( 134 ) Full Text

Open Access

Avulsion of posterior primary teeth and space maintaining appliance: case report

Maria José de Carvalho Rocha,Mariane Cardoso,Joeci de Oliveira

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.6436356hn6860312

Abstract ( 1220 ) PDF (455.78 kB) ( 162 ) Full Text

Open Access

Hereditary gingival fibromatosis: report of three cases

Lourenco Bozzo,Maria Angela Naval Machado,Oslei Paes de Almeida,Marcio Ajudarte Lopes,Ricardo D. Coletta

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.e254616x22403280

Abstract ( 1192 ) PDF (634.43 kB) ( 145 ) Full Text

Open Access

Management of wide open apices in non-vital permanent teeth with Ca(OH)2 paste

Tarun Walia,Harpinder Singh Chawla,Krishan Gauba

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.n224g827014n02n2

Abstract ( 1167 ) PDF (386.02 kB) ( 161 ) Full Text

Open Access

Short term human primary pulpal response after direct pulp capping with fourth-generation dentin adhesives

Zafer C. Cehreli,Melek Turgut,Seval Olmez,Attila Dagdeviren,Pergin Atilla

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.01m8g5033h867q63

Abstract ( 1182 ) PDF (429.79 kB) ( 154 ) Full Text

Open Access

Pulpal evaluation of two adhesive systems in rat teeth

Olga Cortés,Carlos García,Antonio Bernabé

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.16224671vn471671

Abstract ( 1025 ) PDF (255.67 kB) ( 111 ) Full Text

Open Access

Neurinoma in the buccal mucosa

Semib Ozbayrak,Vakur Olgac,Asim Dumlu,Sebnem Ercalik,Filiz Namdar Pekiner

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.t13118507556q221

Abstract ( 1142 ) PDF (696.52 kB) ( 137 ) Full Text

Open Access

Increased susceptibility to gingival colonization by specific HACEK microbes in children with congenital heart disease

Robert Steelman, Stanley Einzig,Arpy Balian,John Thomas,David Rosen,Robert Gustafson,Lori Gochenour

DOI: 10.17796/jcpd.25.1.kv5218kw3ql67r67

Abstract ( 1074 ) PDF (153.91 kB) ( 132 ) Full Text

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