Vol.47,Issue 4,July 2023


Open Access

Dental caries prevention in pediatric patients with molar incisor hypomineralization: a scoping review

Anthony Darío Pacheco Jiménez,Victoria Salomé Altamirano Mora,Mónica Dávila,Camila Montesinos-Guevara

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.030

Abstract ( 9404 ) PDF (3.63 MB) ( 1857 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

The use of aesthetic paediatric full coverage restorations among paediatric dental practitioners: an international survey

Osama El Shahawy,Reham Ali Maher,Suhad Al Jundi,Iyad Hussein,Huei Jinn Tong,Narasimhan Srinivasan,Monty Duggal,Hani Nazzal

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.031

Abstract ( 3336 ) PDF (1,010.37 kB) ( 440 ) Full Text

Open Access

Orofacial dysfunction screening examinations in children with sleep-disordered breathing symptoms

Dao Anh Hoang,Van Nhat Thang Le,Tam Minh Nguyen,Triin Jagomägi

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.032

Abstract ( 4440 ) PDF (325.99 kB) ( 656 ) Full Text

Open Access

Assessment of parental acceptance towards different non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques in pediatric dental care—a cross-sectional study

Rizwan Qureshi,Azhar Iqbal,Mahnoor Khan,Alzarea K. Bader,Muhammad Nadeem Baig,Krishna Rao,Gharam Radhi A. Alanazi,Tymma Ayub,Sehar Rizwan,Muhammad Musa Cheema,Saqib Sarfarz,Rakhi Issrani,Osama Khattak

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.033

Abstract ( 3080 ) PDF (458.54 kB) ( 443 ) Full Text

Open Access

Evaluation of the relationship between anxiety levels and dental appearance

Gamze Metin-Gürsoy,Ayse Bikem Haciomeroglu,Selin Kale-Varlık,Tuba Tortop

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.018

Abstract ( 3575 ) PDF (1.1 MB) ( 472 ) Full Text

Open Access

Retrospective analysis of dental treatment under general anesthesia among children with early childhood caries in Malaysia

Noor Azlinaliana Ibrahim,Nor Azlida Mohd Nor,Nurul Zeety Azizi,Tengku Nurfarhana Nadirah Tengku Hamzah,Nabihah Dziaruddin,Sabri Musa

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.034

Abstract ( 3081 ) PDF (1.87 MB) ( 354 ) Full Text

Open Access

The effect of virtual reality distraction on anxiety level during dental treatment among anxious pediatric patients: a randomized clinical trial

Sara M. Bagher,Osama M. Felemban,Abdulaziz A. Alandijani,Moayad M. Tashkandi,Ghalia Y. Bhadila,Amina M. Bagher

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.036

Abstract ( 4795 ) PDF (2.09 MB) ( 687 ) Full Text

Open Access

Barriers and challenges faced by orthodontists in providing orthodontic care and implementing new innovative technologies in the field of orthodontics among children and adults: a qualitative study

Ayesha Fazal,Osama Khattak,Farooq Ahmad Chaudhary,Mawra Hyder,Muhammad Mohsin Javaid,Azhar Iqbal,Heyam Mobark Albhiran,Fayeq Hasan Migdadi,Anas M. Ghawanmeh,Alzarea K. Bader,Rakhi Issrani,Asma Abubakr Rashed,Sherif Elsayed Sultan

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.038

Abstract ( 2839 ) PDF (289.68 kB) ( 271 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Impaction of multiple dilacerated primary incisors: a case report

Seong-Eun Mo,Jae-Gon Kim,Yeon-Mi Yang,Dae-Woo Lee

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.016

Abstract ( 3471 ) PDF (3.84 MB) ( 544 ) Full Text

Open Access

Odontohypophosphatasia caused by a novel combination of two heterozygous variants: a case report

Jing Jiang,Hongwen Li,Haiying Kong,Xianhai Zeng,Lingshan Gou,Jian Xu

DOI: 10.22514/jocpd.2023.041

Abstract ( 2304 ) PDF (3.82 MB) ( 319 ) Full Text

Short Communications

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