Vol.46,Issue 4,July 2022

Systematic Reviews

Open Access

Assessment of Pediatricians’ Knowledge, Practices, and Attitudes on Oral Health/Care in Children in the Last Decade: A Systematic Scoping Review and Critical Reflection

Arturo Garrocho-Rangel,María Elena López-Torre,Miguel Ángel Santos-Díaz,Gabriela Torre-Delgadillo,Juan Carlos Flores-Arriaga,Marc Saadia,Amaury Pozos-Guillén

DOI: 10.22514/1053-4625-46.4.2

Abstract ( 3492 ) PDF (3.93 MB) ( 410 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

Mallampati and Brodsky Classification and Children’s Risk for Sleep Related Breathing Disorder

Bret Lesavoy,Christie Lumsden,Eli Grunstein,Richard Yoon

DOI: 10.22514/1053-4625-46.4.4

Abstract ( 3697 ) PDF (3.37 MB) ( 460 ) Full Text

Open Access

Effect of Treatment with Selective Caries Removal Associated to Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy on Children’s Oral Health-Related Quality of Life: A Non-Randomized Clinical Study

Luciana Ribeiro dos Reis Pio,Lais Veiga Faria,Liz Helena Moraes Pinheiro,Rayanne Lucy Monte da Silva,Luiza Eduarda Franco de Sá,Pamela de Oliveira Ornellas,Karla Bianca Fernandes da Costa Fontes,Leonardo Santos Antunes,Marlus Roberto Rodrigues Cajazeira,Lívia Azeredo Alves Antunes

DOI: 10.22514/1053-4625-46.4.5

Abstract ( 3062 ) PDF (2.14 MB) ( 362 ) Full Text

Open Access

Proposing a CNN Method for Primary and Permanent Tooth Detection and Enumeration on Pediatric Dental Radiographs

Emine Kaya,Huseyin Gurkan Gunec,Sitki Selcuk Gokyay,Secilay Kutal,Semih Gulum,Hasan Fehmi Ates

DOI: 10.22514/1053-4625-46.4.6

Abstract ( 4185 ) PDF (1.37 MB) ( 572 ) Full Text

Case Reports

Open Access

Dental treatment of a Seven-Year-Old Child with Mastocytosis

Filomeni Anagnostou,Zoi Daskalaki,Athina Chatzigianni,Konstantinos N Arapostathis

DOI: 10.22514/1053-4625-46.4.8

Abstract ( 2842 ) PDF (683.94 kB) ( 336 ) Full Text

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